We're obviously going through some very challenging times currently with the outbreak of COVID-19. We're committed to safeguarding our customers and employees during this time.

We are able to continue working as normal due to us being in the construction industry, however we have made some key changes to the way that we work.


All of our staff are required to sanitise their hands regularly to minimise the transmission of bacteria.

Social Distancing

Where possible, all of our staff will keep at a distance of 2m from each other and anybody else on site. We do ask that you take this into consideration and also commit to maintaining social distancing.

In some instances, the 2m rule may be difficult to adhere to, in these circumstances we will follow the governments guidance of 1m plus.


All staff will wear appropriate PPE and we have made provisions to allow for this.

Our dedicated fitting teams are committed to maintaining the high standards we hold ourselves to in terms of workmanship in our handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you have any questions about our COVID policy, please contact us and we'll be happy to advise.