Having a clean washroom or public bathroom is for the benefit of everyone. Not only do clean washrooms provide the most inviting reception, but they also create the best impression of your building, as well as your company overall.

Paying attention to the cleaning from floor to ceiling is a must for every building owner. Looking after your washroom will also help to promote its lifespan, meaning all of the care you or your team put into maintaining such spaces is certainly worth the effort.

So that your patrons have the best experience in your building, here are the top tips for a sparkling washroom to guide you.

Appoint A Facilities Manager

If someone isn’t overseeing the daily cleaning (and where required the hourly cleaning) of a washroom, standards can soon slip.

It is pretty common to have a cleaning checklist for any commercial toilet or bathroom that is used by the general public. There is a box to fill out to certify that the washroom has been checked, including at what time and by who. Using such a system ensures accountability, and reduces the potential of your washrooms being found in an unsatisfactory condition by your patrons.

Find out more about washroom maintenance here.

Another top tip is to make sure anyone responsible for cleaning your washrooms has had the correct training, which also may be a legal requirement if using commercial-grade cleaning equipment or solutions.

Schedule Regular Deep Cleans

There’s only so much cleaning that can take place in a washroom on a day-to-day basis. Over time, limescale, mould and hidden bacteria can build up on all surfaces, especially in those hard-to-reach areas. Therefore, superficial cleans also need to be backed up with regular deep cleans.

As deep cleans can be disruptive, it’s best to schedule these during quieter periods, or better still when your establishment is closed to the public. So for instance, in a school washroom environment, deep cleans or even full-scale refurbishments can be carried out during the school holidays to minimise disruption.

Choose Appropriate Surface Types, Fixtures & Fittings

Commercial washrooms will be subject to constant use, with a high amount of traffic passing through the building each day. So whether your washroom happens to be located in the likes of a retail outlet, restaurant, school, hospital, hotel or leisure centre - make sure it has been built with that specific environment in mind.

Aspects ranging from the humidity of the building to the potential for graffiti all need to be considered. Essentially, the walls, floors, cubicles, sanitaryware, lights and any other fixtures all need to be compatible with the target user. A good alignment here will ensure cleaning is kept straightforward and is easy to keep up with.

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Commercial Washroom Installations & Renovations UK

Have you reached the stage where no amount of cleaning will bring your commercial bathroom or washroom to life?

Washrooms are essential spaces in any public building, meaning now is the time to upgrade or refurbish any existing commercial bathroom. Luckily you’re in the right place for that as here at Inspired Washrooms, we install commercial bathrooms right across the UK.

Interested in starting a project with us? Download our Inspired Washrooms Brochure to view our full range of products and services.

For help and advice with anything we've mentioned above, please get in touch on 0115 811 4242, and our friendly team will get back to you.